Dec. 11, 2023

Mark 15 - The Crucifixion of Jesus

Mark 15 - The Crucifixion of Jesus

Hey Parents, just a little disclaimer about today’s episode as we’re talking about Jesus’ crucifixion. If you have younger siblings listening with your preteen, some of the narrative and discussion may be a little intense for younger ears. You...

Hey Parents, just a little disclaimer about today’s episode as we’re talking about Jesus’ crucifixion. If you have younger siblings listening with your preteen, some of the narrative and discussion may be a little intense for younger ears. You might want to listen to it first to determine if it’s appropriate for them.

Jesus’ entire ministry has built to this point - His death. What happened to Jesus when He was crucified? Why did Jesus have to die? Are there any sins too bad to be covered by His sacrifice? Join Pastor Michael as he answers those questions in today’s episode! 


Music by Joystock -
Music by Zakhar Valaha from Pixabay
Music by Yevhen Onoychenko from Pixabay
Sound Effect from Pixabay