March 25, 2024

Why Did Jesus Have to Die?

Why Did Jesus Have to Die?

Parents, just a little disclaimer about today’s episode as we’re talking about Jesus’ crucifixion. If you have younger siblings listening with your preteen, some of the narrative and discussion may be a little intense for younger ears. You might...

Parents, just a little disclaimer about today’s episode as we’re talking about Jesus’ crucifixion. If you have younger siblings listening with your preteen, some of the narrative and discussion may be a little intense for younger ears. You might want to listen to it first to determine if it’s appropriate for them.

This is a special week as we prepare to remember Jesus’ sacrifice for us on the cross. But why did Jesus have to die? Was there a purpose to His death, or did God’s Heavenly plan go horribly wrong? Join Pastor Michael today as he explains why Jesus had to die and how you can respond to His sacrifice today. 

(This episode has been enhanced and edited from a previous release.)



Music by Joystock -

Music by Aleksey Chistilin from Pixabay

Music by Zakhar Valaha from Pixabay

Music by Yevhen Onoychenko from Pixabay

Sound Effects from Pixabay

Sound Effect by UNIVERSFIELD from Pixabay